
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


1. The Mystery of the Dry moon :

The first few times on the Moon explorations proved that the Moon is a dry region. One scientist even emphasized that the Moon is drier than the Gobi Desert by one million times. Additionally, few explorations by Apollo did not trace any water bodies on the Moon. Nevertheless, the scientists from Apollo 15 have detected an area occupying 100 square miles of the Moon containing a large water air mass. Other scientists argued that this water air mass was formed due to the water leakage of two small water tanks which were abandoned by the American astronauts not long before that. The question here is how could these small water tanks produce a large water mass? It is incredible! Of course, this situation was not caused by the astronaut’s urine as it will have to inject directly into the sky near the Moon. It seems that these water air masses might have come from the inner part of the Moon.

2. The Mystery of a glass-like Surface of the Moon
The astronauts from Apollo discovered that there are many parts of the surface of the Moon being covered with a layer of glass-like material. This was confirmed by one scientist who said, “The moon is covered with a layer of glass.” The expert concluded that this layer of glass-like material is not formed due to the collision of the meteorites. Some scientists believe that this layer is formed due to the explosion of the Sun, in a status of mini-star. Some even believe that the surface of the Moon appears to have been collided by the burning fireballs

3. The Mystery of the Moon’s Magnetic Field
The previous studies clearly showed that the magnetic field is not existed on the Moon, but the analysis from the rock samples collecting from the Moon showed a strong magnetic field. This finding is indeed very puzzling. Dr. Paul Prendergast said, “The rocks here show a very strange magnetic field…..totally contrary to our expectations.” The question that  arises here is if the Moon once had a magnetic field, then it should have a core of the iron substance, but reliable sources show that the Moon cannot have such a core. It is also impossible that the Moon was originated from other celestial bodies such as the Earth to gain its magnetic field. This situation will never happen to the Moon, because if it is as the case, the Moon must be situated very close to the Earth. If the Moon is situated too close to the Earth, it will have been shredded into pieces by the Earth’s gravity force.

1 comment:

  1. hey yar....this one was too cool!!
    it was so exciting to discover such facts about our "chanda mama"...!!
    great work by you guys...thanks for this info.
