
Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Dragons Triangle: A More Mysterious Triangle

Just like the Bermuda Triangle, the Dragons Triangle is a place of many mysteries and strange disappearances. Planes go missing, ships go missing, and even entire ship crews seem to have abandoned their vessels while it remains afloat. There are also stories of submarines that have vanished from the face of the earth here. 

You got to remember, this is not the Bermuda Triangle. This is the Dragons Triangle that lies off the southern coast of Japan. For the record, its 500 square miles of nothing but water and still to this day much of it remains unexplored. If you were to compare the two, they both have practically the same mystery and legend about them. The Dragons Triangle is just far less known as the Bermuda. However, far more ships have disappeared in the Dragons Triangle. It makes you wonder why isn't it more well known.Witnesses have accounted that strange flying objects and weird lights frequently are flying out of the water. Even ghost ship sightings that appear to be completely void of any sign of people are known to be seen. Sounds a lot like an abduction doesn't it? Aliens anyone?The strange occurrences, vanishings, and sightings have not just happened recently. For thousands of years ships have been lost somewhere within the depths of the Dragons Triangle. In essence, this has been going on for a very long time. So does that mean there really is something behind it? I don't know.Do you think the Bermuda and Dragons Triangle could be related somehow? Is it just some scientific anomaly like underwater volcanoes or rogue waves causing all of this or is it something more? 

Legends dating back to c.1000 BC tell of underwater palaces inhabited by dragons and of a great slumbering dragon which lived in the cavern beneath the sea." (Ade Dimmick - MysteryMag) Hence the name: Dragon's Triangle. The disappearance of aircraft, large maritime vessels, and fishing boats was occurring at such a high rate that Japanese authorities officially declared it a 'shipping danger zone' in 1950.
In 1952, the Japanese government sent out a research ship called the Kaio Maru No. 5 to find answers to the mystery surrounding this area.
Unfortunately, the crew of this ship suffered the same mysterious fate they set out to find answers to. Twenty-two crewmen and nine scientist were gone forever adding to the several hundred other lives that have been lost in the Dragon's Triangle.

What phenomena could be causing all of this craziness?